Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Prototype business card for class. I'll change it in the future maybe. Back & Front.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

More notes...

Goldmine Jackpot by accident. Ohhh some of the notes in here are what I've been looking for! Just perfect!!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'm struggling a lot in drawing the hip area of the body. So decided to do some 2-5-10 min study pose. (Yeah, I should really draw more men pose too.)

Hips have to be large and thin waist and above for the art style I'm learning. My brain is screaming out wrong, so I have to work against that. Trial and error...

In class; There 3 male sketches. I like the bottom middle one and maybe the top right one.(Hip could be a bit wider though maybe for muscle.)

Oh for people who are looking at this> Great website for drawing practice pose.